Shipments :

  1. Purchases from the website can be made all over the State of Israel by an external courier company that will be chosen and changed from time to time by the company. Thus, there may also be changes from time to time in the destinations that the courier company will reach.  
  2. Each time an order is placed, the user will be required to select the shipping destination.
  3. The shipping price will be according to the region of the country to which the shipment is addressed. 
  4. It will be emphasized and clarified that the shipping prices may change from time to time and everything according to the company’s decision and the user will not have any claim in this regard. 
  5. However, it will be clarified that the shipping price will be known to the user when placing the order, when the user will have the option to decide whether to order delivery or not. 
  6. The user will have the option of self-collection instead of delivery. 
  7. The company has the right to change the regulations from time to time at its sole discretion. When the regulations are changed, the date of the update will be announced and the user will not have any claim in this regard. 
  8. Bat Harim, at its sole discretion, may change and/or stop the site’s activity at any time, and this without the need to provide any warning and/or advance notice. 
  9. The content of the site and these regulations are worded in the masculine language for convenience only. The reference is to both genders. Wherever the website content and/or these regulations are written in the singular, the reference is to the singular and/or the plural as the case may be. 

היי, האתר בשיפוצים!
עמכם הסליחה.
ניתן לבצע הזמנות דרך הווטאצפ בלחיצה על הכפתור.
צוות בת הרים!