Regulations of the website “Bat Harim”

Welcome to the “Bat Harim” website. 

  1. ​Definitions :
  1. Website owners: A. Or Bat Harim (EM 305041550) / Website / Company.
  2. The user: any person and/or legal entity who browsed the website/visited it whether or not they purchased products. 
  3. “Products” means food products and other consumer products sold from time to time by Bat Harim.
  1. Approval of the terms of use of the site constitutes unconditional agreement to the terms of the regulations.
  2. The customer service center via WhatsApp 079-6100100.
  3. The site is owned by the Bat Harim company, A. Or Bat Harim (EM 305041550) whose address is Handiv 23, Zichron Ya’akov. 
  4. The support center is designed to assist you and to provide answers to problems related to the use of the website and inquiries related to bookings on the website. 
  5. “Bat Harim” is a website whose purpose is to sell food products (hereinafter: “the website” “Bat Harim”). 
  6. Any person or legal entity that visits the site, whether or not they have purchased products on the site, hereby declares that they have read the regulations and all the terms of the regulations are agreed upon by him/her. 
  7. The user hereby declares that he has read the regulations and knows that all the terms of the regulations apply to the legal relationship between him and Bat Harim and that he will not have any claim or claim in connection with his use of the website and/or a purchase transaction he will make on the website. 
  8. The company reserves the right to cancel and/or not to give any person the right to make purchases on the site without the need to provide any reasons for making such a decision. 

Making the purchase on the website:

  1. The user will be able to choose products as he sees fit and add them to the “shopping basket”. If required, the user will indicate the type of product and the weight (quantity) he wishes to purchase.
  2. At the end of the product selection process, the user will click on the end of purchase button and from there will be transferred to choose the method of receiving the products (delivery). 
  3. If the user chooses delivery, he will have to enter the full address to which the delivery will be made and at this stage (depending on the destination) the price of the delivery will appear.
  4. As part of placing the order, the user can indicate that he agrees that his order will be left at the door of his house, in the event that there is no response from the addressee.
  5. It will be emphasized that in the event that there is no response from the requested addressee, the shipment will be left at the door and the company will not have any responsibility for the shipment from the moment it is left at the addressee’s door. 
  6. In the event that the customer does not give his consent to leaving the shipment outside the recipient, in such a case if the shipment arrives and there is no response from the recipient, the customer will be charged for additional shipping fees. 
  7. A customer who requests that the products be left at the door does so on his full responsibility and will be precluded from asserting any claim and/or claim and/or any demand to the company, including but not limited to, in case of theft of the products, and will be charged the full amount of the purchase and shipping. 
  8. If the purchase is made with a “Tourist” credit card, the customer will not have the option of leaving the products outside the door of his house. 
  9. The user confirms that he knows that the courier will not go up to the building with access difficulties, for example due to renovations, TMA works, etc. 
  10. It is clarified that the service of Bat Harim does not constitute an offer to sell products. Acceptance of an order from the customer to purchase products will constitute an offer by the customer to purchase them and acceptance of the offer will be made through the actual delivery of the products, subject to the existing inventory at the time of delivery and in accordance with the provisions of these regulations. 

the payment

  1. Payment will be made using a credit card that meets the requirements of the clearing system.
  2. The clearing system is a system of the Gamma company . It will already be emphasized that every purchase will be subject to the regulations of the clearing system of the company ” Gamma” Here you must add a link to the system of Gamma 
  3. After the payment is made, a transaction invoice will be sent to the user to the email address he will enter in the system. 

 The prices

  1. Bat Harim shall be entitled to update the prices of the products on the website from time to time regardless of the time of the visit and/or the placing of the order by the customer. 
  2. The prices of the products are not necessarily the same between the site and the stores. The prices of the products will be determined by the company and according to its sole discretion when the user has the absolute freedom to choose whether to purchase the company’s products or not.
  3. The customer’s charge for weighed products will be according to the actual weight of the products. It will be explained that when placing an order, the estimate of the value of the order delivered to the customer is based on the estimated weight of the ordered weighed products, but the actual charge will be made based on the weighing of the products close to their delivery to the customer. 
  4. Product prices include value added tax (VAT).

Hours of operation in Bat Harim

  1. Reservations on the website are possible at any time of the day except Saturdays and Israeli holidays as chosen by the company. 
  2. The telephone service center is available via WhatsApp 079-6100100. The call center’s hours of operation are Sunday-Friday between the hours: 08:00-17:00.
  1. It should be emphasized that it is agreed between the parties that the company undertakes to respond to messages within 48 hours from the moment of referral. 
  1. Despite what is stated everywhere in these regulations, it is hereby clarified that there may be changes/exceptions in the delivery dates as well as in the dates of the customer service center’s operating hours and Bat Harim is not bound by these dates. 
  2. No deliveries on Shabbat and Israeli holidays.

” the products”

  1. In the first phase, Bat Harim will sell through the site only food products of all kinds and of all kinds. And all according to her choice. 
  2. The company may add additional products that are not food products. 
  3. Bat Harim is not obligated, in any way, to maintain any variety of products on the site. Bat Harim may at any time change any of the products displayed in the product list on the website, replace any of the products on the list or remove any of the products from the above list. 
  4. The product images displayed on the website are for illustration purposes only and do not bind Bat Harim in any way. 
  5. In the event that a user orders a product that is out of stock and pays for it as part of the purchase, the company will make sure to send him his order without the missing product and at the same time credit him for the product that is out of stock. 
  6. The company reserves the right to limit the quantity of orders from products at its own discretion. The user will not have any claim or claim in this regard. 
  7. The products all carry a kosher certificate, but it should be emphasized that each product has a different kosher certificate.
  8. The company’s products and factory are all under the supervision of the Ministry of Health and work according to a standard.

Returning products

  1. The product return policy is subject to and in accordance with the Consumer Protection Law and the Consumer Protection Regulations. 
  2. The customer must check the contents of the shipment upon receipt and make a comparison with both the order and the invoice that will be given to him at the time of delivery. 
  3. In the event that a non-conformity of the products is discovered as a result of the above inspection or in another case of dissatisfaction on the part of the customer regarding the delivered products, the customer must notify the customer service center within 24 hours after the date of delivery. 
  4. The customer service center will coordinate with the customer the completion/exchange/return of the product(s) and/or the debit/credit of the customer, as appropriate and as required by any law. 

Cancellation / change of order:

  1. Canceling/changing the order via WhatsApp 079-6100100, up to 12 hours before the delivery date.  
  2. Bat Harim will be entitled to cancel an order provided that it notifies the customer two hours or more before the delivery date. 
  3. It will be emphasized that the customer’s right to return a product and the customer’s right to cancel the purchase will be solely in accordance with and subject to the provisions of the law, including the provisions of the Consumer Protection Law, 1981, the provisions of the Sales Law, 1968, and the provisions of the Debit Card Law, 1986, and/or the Consumer Protection (Cancellation of Transaction) Regulations, 2010, subject to Bat Harim’s policy as it may be from time to time. 

Product notes

  1. The data appearing on the products was provided by the product suppliers and under their responsibility, there may be errors and/or inconsistencies in the labeling of the products. 
  2. Allergens / gluten – do not rely on the details that appear in the product ingredients as they appear on the website. Read what appears on the product before using it.
  3. The website displays nutritional labeling for the food products sold on it, including red food symbols, as required by the Regulations for the Protection of Public Health (Food) (Nutritional Labeling), 2017 (in this section – the “Regulations”), and this is based on the information received from the suppliers and under their responsibility. The nutritional labeling and food symbols appear on the product page. 
  4. The pictures are for illustration only. 

Liability and information security

  1. The site is secured with the HTTPS protocol.
  2. The purchase process complies with the PCI DSS standard and is approved by the credit companies. 
  3. As soon as the customer moves to the payment stage, the credit information is entered in front of the clearing company and will be subject to the clearing regulations and the responsibility of the clearing company. 
  4. Bat Harim is not responsible for any damage (including bodily damage) and/or loss and/or shortfall (hereinafter: “damage of any kind”) that may be caused to the website customer and/or any third party as a result of a purchase made on the website and/or the inability to make A purchase that is caused by an act and/or omission and/or negligence of the customer and/or any third party, including, a purchase made using a credit card without the consent of its owner, a purchase made by a minor and/or an invalid without the consent of his parents and/or guardian , an action performed on the site by any third party who enters the site and causes damage, an action performed by any third party using the client’s Bat Harim password, etc. 
  5. The customer will bear full responsibility for any damage and/or loss of pocket of any kind incurred by him and/or Bat Harim and/or any third party due to a mistake he made in typing the data, including, a mistake in typing his address, a mistake in typing the credit card details, a mistake in typing an address for the delivery of the order And so on in these mistakes. 
  6. The customer releases Bat Harim from any responsibility for damage of any kind that may be caused to him and/or to any third party as a result of a technical malfunction in the hardware and/or software related to the website. 
  7. Bat Harim will not be responsible, in relation to the site, for damage of any kind that may be caused to the customer and/or any third party as a result of an act and/or omission beyond its control, including but not limited to force majeure, such as: war, earthquake, weather extreme and so on. 
  8. Bat Harim will not be responsible, in relation to the website, for any damage of any kind that may be caused to the customer and/or any third party as a result of a communication malfunction (Internet or telephone) resulting from an act and/or omission and/or negligence of internet providers and/or communication providers regarding they. 
  9. Bat Harim will not be responsible for any damage of any kind that may be caused, directly or indirectly, to the customer and/or any third party, in relation to products and/or services purchased on the website and which third parties who are the manufacturer and/or importer have provided them to Bat Harim or directly to customers, including defects in products, services (including their transport and/or installation), inconsistency between the product and its description on the website, etc., all subject to applicable liability according to any law.
  10. Without prejudice to all of the above, in any case, Bat Harim will not bear the amount of damage that exceeds the price of the products that were ordered and paid for by the customer. 

Applicable law and jurisdiction clause

  1. Only the provisions of Israeli law shall apply to the contract between the customer and Bat Harim within the framework of the website and within the framework stated in these regulations. 
  2. Bat Harim and the customer declare that they will do their best so that a dispute that arises between them, should it arise, will be settled in a friendly manner outside the walls of the court and that if the dispute is not settled as stated then it will be heard in the court in Tel Aviv-Yafo only. 
  3. Do not perform or attempt to perform actions that disrupt the operation of the site, including but not limited to:
  1. Unauthorized access to servers, accounts and/or data.
  2. Testing, scanning, and/or sampling of the site, including attempts to test its penetration.
  3. Disruption and/or attempt to disrupt the provision of the service provided on the website to customers and/or the activity of the server(s) from which it operates.
  4. Bat Harim will act in any legal way against the perpetrators of actions as specified in this section.


  1. Upon entering the website and registering, the user authorizes the company to use the information he entered and thereby: 
  1. send him promotional mail. 
  2. Service management and optimization.
  3. Make use of the details provided by the customer and the information you collect about the customer’s usage patterns for the purpose of improving the services, improving the relationship with the customer, for direct mail purposes or for the purpose of analyzing and providing statistical information to third parties, including advertisers, provided that this information does not identify the customer. 
  1. The user knows that there is no legal obligation for him to provide the information and that it is provided voluntarily and with his consent.  
  2. If the customer wishes to be removed from the databases as mentioned above, he must notify the company in writing in accordance with the provisions of any law. 
  3. Customer information is not transferred to any third party.

Intellectual property and copyright :

  1. All intellectual property, including but not limited to: the shooting rights, trademarks, design, recipes, applications, graphic files, logos, the texts, images, technologies, processes, content, icons, computer code and any other material included on the website (“Site Content” “), are fully and exclusively owned by A. Or Bat Harim (PO 305041550) or to third parties from whom it received a lawful use license.
  2. The company retains all its rights and ownership in the website content, and entering the website does not actually grant any license and/or right in the website content and/or part of it. 
  3. The names Bat Harim, and the website’s domain name, including all Bat Harim’s trademarks, are fully and exclusively owned by Bat Harim, and entering the website does not actually grant any license and/or right to them. 
  4. Any mention in the various catalogs of the name, trademark, product and/or service of any third party appears solely as a service to the customer and does not constitute any advertisement, sales promotion, sponsorship and/or recommendation regarding them. The product images are for illustration purposes only. It is clarified that the violation of intellectual property rights of a third party will be the sole responsibility of the relevant supplier.

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